We’re very lucky to have had some very nice things said about our ski school and our ski instructors in the press, so here are just a few with links to the articles themselves…
Hello Magazine
December 2017
When Emmy from Hello decided to learn to Ski in Verbier she was placed in the expert hands of Guy and Georgia – and after a few lessons she was desperate to ski more and had already planned her next holiday… Naturally she also took a great deal of interest in the celebrity-side of Verbier’s regular skiers.
Read the full article
Ski & Board Magazine
October 2017
We were very happy to see the Women’s Camps covered with a great article in Ski & Board after Leslie Woit joined Emma for one of the week-long camps.
Read the full article
Daily Mail
January 2017
In an article about getting away on girls-only retreats the Mail used Emma’s Women’s Camps as a great example of all female holidays…
Read the article at dailymail.co.uk

Health & Fitness
November 2016
In their article about how to plan
Your Best Ski Holiday Ever, Health & Fitness magazine made sure to include our ski school and our Women’s Camps (as well as the Women’s Ski Retreat) for ladies planning their perfect trip to the mountains…
Read the article here

The Guardian
October 2016
Before every season The Guardian runs stories about the latest new developments and news from the mountains, and we’re very happy that our Women’s Camps weren’t just covered, they put the ski school top of the bill.
Read the article at guardian.co.uk here

The Evening Standard
October 2016
Felice Hardy covered Emma and the Women’s Camps in her preview of the winter 2016/17 season, and the article also featured on their website. More very high profile endorsements of Element ski School and our Women’s Camps.
Read the article at standard.co.uk here

The i newspaper
October 2016
As a review of what’s new and exciting for the 2016/2017 winter season, Element once again our Women’s Camps were featured as an exciting new type of ski lesson, with Emma getting a write up and a rather nice photo to boot.

October 2016
stylealtitude.com interviewed Emma to talk about why she had started our Women’s Camps and how she had found female physiology and psychology differed so significantly from men, and why ski lessons for women need a different approach which can give some pretty significant results…
Read the article at stylealtitude.com here
Verbier Life
March 2016
After skiing for years and having more than a few ski lessons, Verbier Life journalist Maev Cox came on one of our Women’s Camps and wrote a great piece about Emma and how she runs these weekend and week-long courses, as well as an explanation of the focus on female physiology and psychology.
It also made the front cover with photographs by the amazing Melody Sky
March 2016
Released on World Women’s Day, Mpora published this online piece about Emma and her journey through the ski instructing system – from chalet girl to ski school director. The piece also looked at the statistics surrounding female skiers and female ski instructors.
Read the article at mpora.com here
Ski In Luxury
March 2016
Ski in Luxury took an interest in Emma’s story and looked at the differences between the way men and women respond to the challenges of skiing, and used Emma’s story to contrast with the perceived trends in skiing and ski schools.
Read the article at skiinluxury.com here
January 2016
In an article about women’s camps all over the world, Departures named our women’s courses as one of their “Top Notch Women’s Ski Camps” – credit to the ski lessons and Camps that the ski school has been developing for female skiers.
Read the article at departures.com here